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High School Nurse's Office

Student Absence

Please call the absentee line of your child's school, should your child be absent. Please include the reason for the absence. No absences will be excused without a physician's note.


Please include information on any allergies your child may have on the Emergency Card. This includes information regarding allergies to foods, medications, and insect bites. Please note the type and severity of the reaction, and medication used to treat it.

Excused from Physical Education

If your child is unable to participate in physical education due to an illness or injury, the Nurse's office must be notified. A student may be excused for a 1-2 day period with a written note from the parent describing the nature of the illness or injury. If the child needs to be excused for a longer period of time, a physician's note is required

Updating Medical Information

The nurse should be made aware of situations concerning your child's health, including any physical conditions and medications that your child takes. Medical information concerning your child is confidential and may be necessary in the event of illness or injury of your child. Please notify the nurse's office if there are any changes in your child's medical information.

Contact Information

Tara Kern, RN, BSN
856-694-0100 ext 217

Kathy Daws-Lawrence, RN, BSW
856-694-0100 ext 256

Fax: 856-694-2046